Whether you’re a brand new player or one returning from a long hiatus, the ElvUI team has you covered for Shadowlands with a completely updated version of ElvUI, a comprehensive UI replacement.

Paste the export string in the field (make sure there are no extra spaces at the end of code, or you will get an error message) and click Import Now. Open up the Elvui menu in-game by typing /ec. You need to back up the wtf folder for your settings/profiles. Where are ElvUI profiles?Īll settings for all addons, including ElvUI are stored in the WTF folder. It is always a good idea to have an updated and active antivirus installed in any case. It’s free, lightweight, and easy to use! Current version is 3280. The Tukui Windows Client is an addon manager that allows you to browse, install, and update your addons. It also means if we push an update it will not mess with any ElvUI files. What does this mean to you? It means that any time ElvUI gets updated, you will not have to worry about it overwriting our edited version of ElvUI. Shadow & Light is an external edit of ElvUI, which means it doesn’t change ElvUI’s files directly.

zip’ you just downloaded.Įnter command “/ec” to open the config menu. Open (don’t extract yet) the zip file ‘elvui-development. Installation steps: Delete ‘ElvUI’ and ‘ElvUI_Options’ folders from your ‘World of Warcraft\_retail_\Interface\AddOns’ folder. Here is a list of the best World of Warcraft addons: