This is actually a mod created by the makers of XCOM themselves, allowing you to experience the game in multiplayer mode. However, a useful Long War 2 compatibility list is being regularly updated on Reddit and there are dozens of mods worth subscribing to via XCOM 2's Steam Workshop. As great as XCOM 2 is, everyone has small things they gripe about. i am just wondering because i dont like xcom 2 geoscape i find it hard to get used to. Facebook Twitter Reddit Pinterest Tumblr WhatsApp Email Link. Guys, I got tired of having to browse a billion posts before I could find the mods I was looking for, so I made a list and will try to keep it updated with any news that might arise, first I excuse myself for not contacting the mod authors about this post, I'm linking everyone and I HAVE NOT MADE most mods listed here, I'm merely the messenger, go to the posts and give … There’s also a lot of mods when it comes to actually adding to the base game, or even changing the gameplay completely. Then you will notise in what order the promotions are delivered, then you reload, and promote your soldiers in that same order to get your rookies to be what you want. without mods, and without ironman running, you have a crew of rookies and save game just before killing the last standing alien on the map.

That's the only person I'd consider giving a Repeater but that's also because specialists don't really benefit from many of the other weapon mods. Another time, a sectopod walked in and she shot it 5 times leaving it at 2 HP down from full health. Steam\SteamApps\common\XCOM 2\XComGame\Mods\TrueConcealment\Config Note that disabling the dark event only works when you start a new campaign it'll still be in the pool of available dark events in … Long War 2 is a significant overhaul of XCOM 2 aimed at giving players the feel of running a worldwide guerrilla war against ADVENT and offering them a greater variety of strategic and tactical experiences.